
Google drive url spaces
Google drive url spaces

It’s like a find and replace function that searches for text in a cell and replaces it with something else.

google drive url spaces google drive url spaces

The syntax for SUBSTITUTE is: SUBSTITUTE(text_to_search, search_for, replace_with, ). This feature enables users to modify cell content, and you can also use it to erase all cell spacing with the function. Google Sheets also has a SUBSTITUTE function that replaces text in cells. ‘ 455 643 ‘ becomes ‘455 643’ with the leading, trailing, and extra spaces removed. Cell B4 will now include the same values as your original cell B3 with just one space between the numbers, as shown in the image above.

google drive url spaces

Next, select cell B4 and click in the fx bar, then enter the function =TRIM(B3) in the fx bar and press Enter.

Google drive url spaces